Rick and Morty Is in "Homestretch" of 70-Episode Order, Says Creator

Rick and Morty co-creator Dan Harmon says production is in the "homestretch" of its planned 70 episode order!

Rick and Morty is now in the works on Season 8 of the series, and the co-creator behind it all has revealed that they are now in the "homestretch" of that original 70-episode renewal order! Following the third season of the series in 2018, Adult Swim shocked Rick and Morty fans everywhere when they announced that they would be ordering another 70 episodes of the animated series. With Season 7 releasing last year bringing fans closer to the end of that run, it turns out that work has already started on the final set of episodes from this renewal deal with Adult Swim. 

The episode order would then bring Rick and Morty to a grand total of 100 episodes with a likely seven more seasons to Adult Swim, and now that we've reached a turning point in that deal with Season 8 coming next year, series co-creator Dan Harmon was asked by Variety about the progress on that massive episode order. As Harmon revealed, the team is "in the homestretch" with around 10 episodes left to write before they complete the 70 as he is currently working on those final episodes. 

(Photo: Adult Swim)

How Many Episodes of Rick and Morty Are Left? 

"We're in the homestretch," Harmon began. "We're always one to two seasons ahead of what's happening on screen in the writers' room. Roughly it's around ten episodes left to write before we will be done with the 70. So, my job right now is to be working on the final 10 of that order. As for the question of what has everybody seen, where are they at? I think that puts them at 20 left." But as for whether or not Rick and Morty will actually end its run after this massive order, Harmon is optimistic about the future. 

"Plenty of time to figure it out," Harmon responded when asked about a potential future. "With something this satisfying for this many people, conversations like that  happen all the time. And I would anticipate an announcement one way or the other about the future at some point in the future...I don't want to get in trouble! But there will probably be news to come." 

Rick and Morty Season 8 is now in the works for a release with Adult Swim in 2025. Rick and Morty: The Anime will be releasing on Adult Swim and Max some time later this year

via Variety