Joe Biden is investigating the PS5 and Xbox Series X stock issues. Since the PS5 and Xbox Series X first went up for pre-order last September, they’ve been impossible to buy, especially the former. And this has been, partially, because of component shortages. Right now, there’s a severe semiconductor shortage. Not only are multiple big companies competing over the parts, but the COVID-19 pandemic has slowed production. And of course, this shortage is impacting more than just gaming, and now it’s caught the attention of the white house.
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Joe Biden and his team have confirmed they are launching an investigation into the problem, which will include a 100-day review of the production of semiconductors. According to Biden and co., the investigation is looking to more than just identify the issue, but find a solution and alternatives for American companies suffering from the shortages.
“Semiconductors play a critical role in enabling the products and services that fuel our economy, contribute to American innovation, and enhance our national security,” said a joint-statement from companies like Apple, AMD, and Sony addressing the President about the growing issue. “Given the central role of semiconductors, strengthening the US position in semiconductor research, design, and manufacturing is a national priority.”
For now, it remains to be seen what will come of this review and investigation, and whether or not it will help PlayStation and Xbox customers get their hands on the PS5 and Xbox Series X.
While many expected the PS5 and Xbox Series X to get easier to obtain in 2021, this hasn’t happened, and it won’t until both can be manufactured faster, and this won’t happen as long as there’s such a drastic shortage of semiconductors.
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