With Netflx, Hasbro, and Rooster Teeth set to bring us the first installment of the Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy anime on July 30th, Hasbro is debuting the Transformers: Generations War for Cybertron Trilogy: Quintesson Pit of Judgement 5-Pack! The figure set includes Quintesson Judge, Prosecutor, Bailiff, Sharkticon, and Kranix from the classic 1986 film, Transformers: The Movie, and we have your exclusive first look at it right here.
The set is inspired by the scene in the film where the Quintesson Judge renders a verdict on the fate of Kranix (though the result is the same either way - "Feed him to the Sharkticons!"). The Quintesson Judge figure features a rotating head with five faces and can convert into cosmic cage mode in 14 steps. The Sharkticon figure converts in 12 steps and the Quintesson Bailiff converts in 14 steps. The Quintesson Prosecutor and Kranix figures don't transform, but Prosecutor does have an articulating neck and Kranix fits inside both Sharkticon's mouth and Quintessons Judge's alt mode cage. Accessories include a laser pistol, mace, and spear. Additional images of the figures are available in the gallery below.
Hasbro will reveal the Transformers: Generations War for Cybertron Trilogy: Quintesson Pit of Judgement 5-Pack alongside several other new Transformers releases during the Hasbro Pulse Fan First Friday livestream, which takes place this Friday 7/17 at 9:30AM EST / 6:30AM PST. It will be available exclusively at HasbroPulse.com for $69.99 this September. UPDATE: Details on the full lineup of new releases can be found here.