Deadpool & Wolverine Carves up $35M Box Office Record Preview Night

Deadpool & Wolverine could bring in as much as $40 million on day one.

Deadpool & Wolverine is already on fire at the box office with an R-Rated record preview night. Marvel Studios' latest picture is poised to bring in $35 million to $40 million from Thursday according to the latest estimates. Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman were in attendance last night at San Diego Comic-Con to show off the movie during a Marvel panel. Kevin Feige introduced the film along with the Deadpool & Wolverine actors, which also included Emma Corrin, and Matthew McFadyen. There were some surprise, appearances, too, but seeing as how the movies only been out for one day in theaters, we'll leave you to the Internet to figure those out for yourselves. Fan interest in this Fox X-Men team up movie is at a fever pitch.

With San Diego Comic-Con still rolling strong and Marvel entusiasm brimming at the moment, expect a lot of fans to make the trip to the multiplex to see this one in-person. Older viewers who remember Jackman's entry into the X-Men franchise have a certain nostalgia for his time as Logan. Meanwhile, Reynolds and his Deadpool character are one of the most beloved comic book franchises in existence. All of that plus a lot of goodwill built up through X-Men 97 has led to a moment of unmitigated joy for a lot of viewers out there. (It also doesn't hurt that some of the surprises in this movie will tackle long time Marvel fans in ways they may not be expecting. If somehow, you haven't been so spoiled already, you should stay off the Internet until you see the movie.)

How Good Is Deadpool & Wolverine?


These two put on quite a show.

- Marvel)

Well, that's an interesting question. Deadpool & Wolverine is a movie that really puts that fan devotion to the Fox Marvel movies first and foremost in the pecking order. Despite the humor being mile a minute and the general tenor around superhero projects among media members, ComicBook's Jenna Anderson really found herself surprised by the heartfelt tone of Shawn Levy's long-awaited team-up movie. In her review, she explains how the core of the film is the relationship between Deadpool & Wolverine. The surprises are there in spades and this one will require a couple of rewatches because of all the crowd hype in your theater. Here's her read on the Internet's pep rally:

"Instead, Deadpool & Wolverine keeps a thematic core that tackles insecurity, failure, and loneliness at virtually every turn," Anderson observes. "While it takes a few beats for the surprisingly small-scale story to kick into high gear, those emotions certainly fuel our two protagonists, who are charting their own courses toward a future that will hopefully be a little bit kinder to them." 

"But those emotions also seem to fuel the entire existence of Deadpool & Wolverine, as the movie argues that the ambition of breaking impossible box-office records and expanding a cinematic universe shouldn't get in the way of telling a story that viewers actually care about," she continued. "Even in a movie that will surely break box-office records, and in a cinematic universe that still continues to grow, it's a sense of honesty that is refreshing."

Are you seeing Deadpool & Wolverine this weekend? Catch all of our pop culture discussion at @ComicBook on social media!