AMC released the trailer for The Walking Dead: The Last Episodes during the show’s final Comic-Con panel on Friday, revealing an extended look at the eight-episode series conclusion. After 11 seasons and 12 years “gone bye,” the third and final part of The Walking Dead‘s farewell season premieres Sunday, October 2 at 9 p.m. ET/8c on AMC and AMC+. In the new Walking Dead Season 11 trailer, which you can watch above, Daryl (Norman Reedus), Carol (Melissa McBride), Maggie (Lauren Cohan), and Negan’s (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) group of survivors are in a fight to the finish with the New World Order: the Commonwealth’s Governor Pamela Milton (Laila Robins) and Lance Hornsby (Josh Hamilton).
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The network also released the synopsis for the eight-part series finale: “In the upcoming final episodes of The Walking Dead, threats lurk around every corner, dead and alive, as each group continues to get caught in uncontrollable situations. The looming pressure is cresting towards a day of reckoning for all. Will the sum of their individual journeys cumulate into one, or divide them forever?”
Friday’s Walking Dead panel at San Diego Comic-Con featured TWD Universe chief content officer Scott Gimple, showrunner and executive producer Angela Kang, and director and special effects makeup supervisor Greg Nicotero. Cast members who took the stage at Hall H to reveal the final Comic-Con trailer included Norman Reedus and Melissa McBride, the only series stars to appear across all eleven seasons.
Read More: The Walking Dead Universe’s New Walkers, Explained
The future of TWD Universe includes the episodic anthology series Tales of the Walking Dead, premiering August 14; the upcoming Season 8 of Fear the Walking Dead; the still-untitled Daryl Dixon solo series starring Reedus; and the Maggie and Negan spinoff Isle of the Dead, set to premiere in 2023 on AMC and AMC+. The network is also developing a project about the return of Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln).
Season 11 of The Walking Dead stars Norman Reedus (Daryl), Melissa McBride (Carol), Lauren Cohan (Maggie), Christian Serratos (Rosita), Josh McDermitt (Eugene), Seth Gilliam (Gabriel), Ross Marquand (Aaron), Khary Payton (King Ezekiel), Cooper Andrews (Jerry), Eleanor Matsuura (Yumiko), Nadia Hilker (Magna), Cailey Fleming (Judith Grimes), Cassady McClincy (Lydia), Lauren Ridloff (Connie), Angel Theory (Kelly), Paola Lázaro (Princess), Michael James Shaw (Mercer), Margot Bingham (Max), Josh Hamilton (Lance Hornsby), Laila Robins (Pamela Milton), and Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Negan).
The Walking Dead: The Last Episodes begin Sunday, October 2 on AMC and AMC+.
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