Diablo 4 Players Discover Trick to Move Faster on Mount

Diablo 4 players who've gotten a mount already may have found themselves moving slower than expected, but there's apparently a trick to that. Players have now discovered and shared the advice that the speed at which your mount moves is for some reason tied to where your cursor is on the screen with players able to speed along faster if their mount is further away from their character. It's unclear if this is an intended mechanic or if this is an oversight from Blizzard, but knowing this now should alleviate many of the frustrations some players have had with inconsistent mount speeds.

News of this bewildering mount limitation was shared on the Diablo 4 subreddit by user FloridaMan156 who said "horse speed is relevant to cursor distance from character." Naturally, because this only deals with cursors, it's only applicable to those who are playing on the PC platform, but considering how that makes up what's likely a significant amount of the Diablo 4 playerbase, it's helpful info to have on hand whether you've got a mount already or are on the verge of having one.

"I'm sure there are others that won't realize this and may be wondering why they spur their horse but it doesn't go faster," FloridaMan156 said. "If the cursor is too close to the character then it doesn't do much. Conversely, having your cursor far away makes it go zoom."

The comments section was aptly filled with people who were equally confused as to why this was the way that horse speed worked. Some people had noticed inconsistent speeds and couldn't figure out why their horse had some pep in its step going one direction but not at other times. Others pointed out that this sort of thing isn't a wholly new thing for Diablo overall. One anecdote from another player pointed out that the Barbarian's Leap ability is somewhat limited when traveling north or south because of the HUD taking up space on the screen which prevents players from moving their cursor to the maximum distance. 

Regardless, players now know how to move along quicker with their horse if they're on the PC platform: just keep your mouse as far away from your steed as possible. For more tips when it comes to Diablo 4, you can check out our guides on Murmuring Obols and Whispering Keys, how you can summon your own personal golem, and where you can get your hands on some Crushed Beast Bones.
