A Quiet Place: Day One Final Trailer Released

A Quiet Place: Day One takes you back to the first day.

A Quiet Place: Day One has rolled out its final trailer before the prequel hits theaters this week. Lupita Nyong'o and Joseph Quinn star in the latest entry from the Quiet Place franchise. This new movie turns things on their head by introducing the alien invasion in the center of New York City, rather than the serene pastoral setting of the first film. (Even the second entry kept things a bit more bucolic than this one is shaping up to be.) Nyong'o are on day one of the imminent threat to humanity and are going to have to adapt to the new world quickly if they're going to survive. In a city that never sleeps, rendering the movie quietly brings an unnerving quality to the proceedings. Check out the new trailer down below for more.

ComicBook actually managed to grab a chat with Quinn and Nyong'o this week. In our interview, the stars addressed how they approached a script with less talking than would normally be on the page for a production this size. A lot of the work on A Quiet Place: Day One is physical and that makes every movement sharper as it needs to convey information to the audience. Even the moments of talking have to be done with a sense of unease and trepidation. That helps the film tremendously.

"That was a very interesting spot to be in, where the dialogue was very effective, and kind of punched through a lot of subtext," Quinn told ComicBook. "It was very communicative in a way that was urgent, I guess, because the only reason you're going to talk in an environment like this, which is perilous if you make any noise, is when it's absolutely urgent. The rest was up to us to kind of fill that in."

A Quiet Place: Day One Ramps Up The Drama


The Day the Earth Went Quiet.

- Paramount)

For those expecting upfront horror, they might not get what they want from A Quiet Place: Day One. It feels like there will still be scary, just not in the exact same way people might imagine from A Quiet Place movie set inside of one of the biggest cities on the face of the planet. That works just fine for star Alex Wolff. He talked to DiscussingFilm about the prequel entry into this now beloved franchise. Wolff explained that A Quiet Place; Day One feels more like a drama than a horror movie in parts. (It's hard to imagine a traditional drama with killer blind aliens running around, but stranger things have happened.) In just a few short days, fans will get to see what the invasion was like in the middle of New York City. For now, hear the star tease what's coming.

"That's not a horror movie, not really. I might get in trouble for saying that," Wolff told the outlet when asked about the prequel. "It's from the director of Pig, this film I did, so it's very ... It's more a drama. It's weird going from a $2 million movie to a $100 million movie, and working with the same director and in the same proximity [as the other actors]. There's only about four or five characters in it. So it was kinda like making Pig, just on a massive scale."

Will you be seeing A Quiet Place: Day One this week? Check out @ComicBook for all of your pop culture discussion!