Invincible Season 3 has officially come to an end, but there’s still one major cliffhanger that absolutely needs to be revisited with Season 4. Invincible Season 3 really put Mark through the wringer as after everything that happened in Season 2, he was only facing off against stronger foes and much more cataclysmic events than ever before. All the while, Nolan Grayson has been out in a Viltrumite prison and awaiting his execution. That might have been the case in the second season, but the third season really changed things as he and Allen sparked a prison break to escape from Viltrumite clutches.
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Invincible Season 3 saw Mark facing off against his toughest Viltrumite foe yet, but this still brings up one big question from a reveal earlier in the season. Because while Conquest might be the strongest Viltrimute sent to Earth, he’s also the only one sent as a seemingly desperate ploy to make sure that Mark’s threat is taken care of without much issue. If you’ll remember, Nolan revealed a key weakness to the Viltrumite Empire, and we really need to see more development on this side plot that never got revisited in Season 3’s episodes.

What’s Going on With Allen and Nolan?
The last time we had seen Allen and Nolan was in Invincible Season 3 Episode 4 as a short interlude from Mark’s story on Earth. Allen had convinced Nolan that he wanted to fight back against the Viltrum Empire, and their time together eventually had Nolan accept that he was truly going to be a traitor to his people. It’s here that Nolan revealed a huge secret about the Viltrumites, and explained that due to the Scourge Virus and their need to kill one another to find the strongest, there are currently less than 50 pure blooded Viltrumites in the universe.
This seemed to be a huge reveal that was going to turn the tide of the war as the Viltrumite Empire finally seemed like it could be defeated for the first real time since the war began. At the same time, it was so early within Invincible Season 3 that it felt like we would get a follow up of some kind to see what Allen and Nolan would be doing in the next season. Unfortunately as the third season came to an end, there was no follow up of any sort and now fans are left wondering what Allen and Nolan are going to be up to in Invincible‘s next season.
It’s likely because the third season was so packed to the brim with one intense event after another for Mark, there just wasn’t enough time to revisit this sub plot happening out in space. Allen and Nolan are going to be important characters as the series continues to develop, but they were unfortunately not important to the development of the third season itself. It’s why that we only had seem them for a brief time before heading back to Earth to keep piling on the pain for Mark. Because right now, Mark’s story takes priority. Thankfully, that won’t be the case for too much longer.
RELATED: Invincible Shares Special Behind-the-Scenes Video of Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Conquest

Allen and Nolan Will Return in Invincible Season 4
The best thing about their side story is that they will indeed be returning for Invincible Season 4. The animated series might have made some changes to how certain events flow, and has removed some of the elements to make for a better narrative experience overall, but it’s still very faithful to the original comics. Thanks to Invincible co-creator Robert Kirkman also having a very direct connection with the animated series, it’s been adapting pretty much every major arc in the same order as the original.
Which also means that Allen and Nolan will definitely return in Invincible Season 4. If the animated series picks up from where the third season left off, then Allen and Nolan will be kicking off what we see in the fourth season. Their cliffhanger is finally revisited after everything that happens with Mark, and kicks off a very important mission for the duo as the series gets ready for the eventual war with the Viltrumites. So while fans might be missing out on them this time, they will have a much bigger role in Season 4.
Conquest might have been the strongest Viltrumite seen thus far, but he’s also representative of the greater issue the Empire is facing. There are so few of them that Conquest is not a person they would rely on unless it’s a special case. Because he’s such a unique, violent personality even within the Viltrumite Empire, Conquest is someone they largely avoid unless it’s necessary. That plays into their motivations next season, and makes for a more more enticing cliffhanger than ever before.